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Email Chuck (KD0VXN)

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Paul L. Herrman N0NBH

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FSQCall Program V0.24.6 older US Edition


We are a group of radio amateurs in and near
Platte County, MO
who get together on a regular basis
for the purpose of
fellowship, socially redeeming
activities, emergency communications training,
and just plain old fun.

RSVP: Platte County ARG: 2025 Breakfast at Roxanne's Platte City

Club Meeting:

Last Saturday of Month 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: (
In Person) Northland Regional Ambulance District
1000 Platte Falls Road Platte City, MO 64079
** Talk-in is on the 147.33 + Repeater Tone 151.4

Location: (Zoom)
Contact: Steve KC0YSY or for link

Platte County Amateur Radio Group Meeting Calendar 2025

January 25       Meeting 9 AM    

February 22     Testing 7:30 AM   Meeting 9 AM     "Freeze UR Keys" Pilot Knob ARC"

March 29         Meeting 9 AM        

 April 26         Meeting 11 AM  Picnic - Open House - Cook out 

 May 31         Meeting 9 AM   

June 27        Field Day Setup  Time TBA       

June 28      ****   ARRL Field Day is June 28-29, 2025   ****   

 July 26          Meeting 9 AM

 August 23   Testing 7:30 AM  Meeting 9 AM   Labor Day weekend Aug 20 - Sept 01 2025                         

 September 27    Meeting 9 AM

 October 25         Testing 7:30 AM  Meeting 9 AM

 November 22      Meeting 9 AM   Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 27 

 December 27      Annual PCARG Breakfast meeting 8 AM 

A popular event

ARRL Amateur News
February 7 th 1900 UTC
The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), founded on Labor Day weekend 1965, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025. The net, known for relaying surface observations into the National Hurricane Center, is also seeking volunteers to serve as net control operator…
February 7 th 1838 UTC
Amateur radio operators are known for their desire and unique ability to provide public service through communications. Whether activated for a severe weather event or a local event such as a marathon or bike ride, the utility value and versatility of the…
February 7 th 1834 UTC reports that sunspot 3981 has produced more than 20M-class solar flares, including two that almost reached category X.The activity is likely to continue today. The sunspot retains adelta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for freque…


The 147.330+ repeater is the official Skywarn repeater for
Platte County 
and back up to the Northland ARES repeater 

Club Voice NET:
2m Voice Net: Tuesdays 7:30 pm
NET Callsign: NR0AD

Operates on 147.33 + WA0QFJ Repeater

Tone 151.4

FSQCALL fldigi Learning Net:
Sundays 8:00 pm (Northland ARES)
Operates on 147.33 + Repeater

Tone 151.4

Training Resources

CW Training

Northland ARES Training