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Email Chuck (KD0VXN)

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Paul L. Herrman N0NBH

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FSQCall Program V0.24.6 older US Edition


We are a group of radio amateurs in and near
Platte County, MO
who get together on a regular basis
for the purpose of
fellowship, socially redeeming
activities, emergency communications training,
and just plain old fun.

RSVP: Platte County ARG: 2024 Breakfast at Roxanne's Platte City

Club Meeting:

Last Saturday of Month 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: (
In Person) Northland Regional Ambulance District
1000 Platte Falls Road Platte City, MO 64079
** Talk-in is on the 147.33 + Repeater Tone 151.4

Location: (Zoom)
Contact: Steve KC0YSY or for link

Platte County Amateur Radio Group Meeting Calendar 2024

January 27       Meeting 9 AM    

February 24     Testing 7:30 AM   Meeting 9 AM

March 23          Meeting 9 AM  

      **** April 20    SHRINE HAM FEST

 April 27      Meeting 9 AM

Annual Picnic - CANCELLED

 May 25         Meeting 9 AM

           ****   ARRL Field Day is June 22-23, 2024  

 June 29        Testing  7:30 AM   Meeting 9 AM  

 July 27          Meeting 9 AM

 August 24    Testing 7:30 AM  Meeting 9 AM                            

 September 28    Meeting 9 AM

 October 26         Testing 7:30 AM  Meeting 9 AM

 November 23      Meeting 9 AM   

 December 28      Annual PCARG Breakfast meeting

A popular event

ARRL Amateur News
December 3 rd 1328 UTC
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is grateful to its members, who allow us to do the work on their behalf of promoting and protecting amateur radio and inspiring future generations to make ham radio and wireless technology a part of their l…
December 2 nd 1544 UTC
ARRL Headquarters was closed on November 29. So, this regular Fridaybulletin was moved to the following Monday (12/2).Solar activity increased during the current reporting week, November21-27. Average daily sunspot number rose to 155.7, and average dailys…
November 27 th 2031 UTC
One final reminder about the YouTube telethon to raise money for the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology that will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, on the Ham Radio Crash Course YouTube channel.It will be hosted by YouTuber Josh Nass, KI…


The 147.330+ repeater is the official Skywarn repeater for
Platte County 
and back up to the Northland ARES repeater 

Club Voice NET:
2m Voice Net: Tuesdays 7:30 pm
NET Callsign: NR0AD

Operates on 147.33 + WA0QFJ Repeater

Tone 151.4

FSQCALL fldigi Learning Net:
Sundays 8:00 pm (Northland ARES)
Operates on 147.33 + Repeater

Tone 151.4

Training Resources

CW Training

Northland ARES Training