The Platte County Amateur Radio Group proudly supports the following organizations.
The 147.330+ repeater is the official Skywarn repeater for
Platte County and back up to the Northland ARES repeater
Skywarn is a nationwide network of volunteer weather spotters
who report to and are trained by NOAA's National Weather
Service (NWS). These spotters report many forms of significant
or severe weather such as Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes,
Hail, Heavy Snow, and Flooding.

Logo used by permission
The Platte County Amateur Radio Group supports the
Northland ARES counties of Platte and Clay.
ARES provides any type of radio communications to public
service agencies, such as the National Weather Service.
The Platte County Amateur Radio Group supports KCHEART. KCHEART was created in 2006 to provide emergency communications support for the 44 hospitals in the Kansas City Area. PCARG supports St. Lukes Barry Road, and St. Lukes Smithville. Each hospital has an APRS station and a quad band radio for voice nets. Some hospitals are equiped with HF radios.
The Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council for Amateur Radio (MECC)
The Metropolitan Emergency Communications Council for Amateur Radio (MECC) supports amateur radio emergency communications in the Kansas City region through a forum for exchange of ideas and information pertaining to emergency and public service communication, fostering cooperation and networking among amateur radio emergency communications organizations and by providing a resource through which to obtain mutual aid.
Yahoo Group- Metro Emergency Communications Council
The Platte County Amateur Radio Group are members of the
Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee and Metro Emergency Communications Council